Specialists in... Commercial, Engineering, Liability, Professional Indemnity, Financial Markets and General Adjusting

We pride ourselves as being equipped to attend to complex matters requiring a high level of technical and interpersonal skills to conclude adjustments to the satisfaction of our Principals, Intermediaries and Insureds. We strive to deliver a service which exceeds the expectations of our Principals.

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Our Services

Our broad base of skills and experience enable us to offer Loss Adjusting services covering a broad range of losses including, but not limited to:

  • Property
  • Construction & Engineering
  • Finance
  • Business Interruption
  • Personal Lines
  • Liability

We endeavour to differentiate ourselves in the market, through service and our technical ability. We always strive to provide superior reporting turnaround times.

We undertake adjustments on behalf of major Insurers and Underwriters nationally and internationally. Should you require further details of claims attended to by our offices, please do not hesitate to contact us.